Thursday, June 21, 2007

Microsoft altering the Vista !

Another setback for Microsoft Corp ! , it has agreed to alter its Vista operating system after Google's Washington office successfully filed an antitrust complaint to the Justice Department and other government authorities asserting that Microsoft's new Vista operating system discriminates against Google software. Google complained that it was disadvantaged by how Microsoft designed features for conducting desktop searches. This judgement also signifies Google's growing clout in Washington . Jeff Bimbaum reports about Google's conscious efforts in lobbying . Google with its proven supremacy in the online search and advertisement business and now with its ability to swing antitrust motions against Microsoft ,is set to become another monopoly by itself !

1 comment:

Shreyasi Deb said...

the thing to look out for is in your last line, as I had commented on this page earier!
yay...Google be-aware, your nemesis is in your birth :-)